

Sterk verskans hier deur jou mure
op ‘n parklandgrond gebou,
word ‘n nuwe jeug se gawes
tot ‘n volk se Krag ontvou.

Uit ons gisters put jy wysheid,
sien die môre wat jou daag
om ‘n jeug te vorm wat, strewend,
God en Vaderland behaag.

Refrein: Monument Park, Hoërskool!
leef in ons harte, edel simbool –
Maak ons diensbaar, flink en getrou –
“Fidé et Laboré”, kom, laat ons bou! …(herhaal)

School Song

This is where your arms enfold us,
In a parkland lush and green;
Where potential is fully nurtured
Till our courage, strength are seen.

Yesterdays have taught us wisdom,
But tomorrow is our aim.
Trust in God, our parents, teachers –
Study hard and strive for fame.

Refrain: Gird your loins now, Monument Park;
Pluck up your courage, kindle the spark!
When beliefs and aims all come true –
“Fidé et Laboré” We’ll honour you! ….. (repeat)